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Road Traffic Accident Claims

When it comes to asserting your rights after a road traffic accident, it’s essential to have a reliable team on your side. At Northwest Solicitors, our dedicated road traffic accident solicitors are here to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve and the necessary support for your recovery.

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Expert Road Traffic Accident Solicitors at Your Service

If you’ve encountered injuries due to a road traffic accident, it’s paramount to be aware of your rights. Our dedicated road traffic accident solicitors at Northwest Solicitors are committed to ensuring you receive the rightful compensation and necessary rehabilitation. We specialise in a range of services including:

  • Car accident claims
  • Cycling accident claims
  • Motorcycle accident claims
  • Pedestrian accident claims
  • Public transport accident claims
  • Taxi accident claims


We understand that the complexities of road accidents can differ vastly, and if you’re navigating this terrain for the first time, it can be daunting.


Trust our experienced team at Northwest Solicitors to guide you seamlessly through the claim process. Reach out to us for clear advice and dedicated support. Contact Northwest Solicitors on 0800 056 4110 for a complimentary initial consultation or for answers to common queries related to road traffic accidents.

The most important things to remember when making a claim for a road traffic accident

Navigating the aftermath of a road traffic accident can be challenging. Being informed about the process can be immensely helpful:


  • Gathering Evidence: Documenting the scene is vital. This includes taking photographs, noting conditions, and collecting witness accounts.
  • Exchange Details: It’s standard procedure to exchange contact and insurance details with all involved parties.
  • Fault Consideration: Even if you feel you might have been partially at fault, it doesn’t necessarily exclude you from potential compensation.
  • Financial Implications: You can claim for both loss of earnings and any unforeseen expenses due to the accident.
  • Time Frame: The general rule is a three-year window from the accident’s date to make a claim, but there are exceptions based on specific circumstances.
  • Uninsured or Hit-and-Run Drivers: If you’re faced with an uninsured driver or one who didn’t stop, there are still avenues to explore for potential compensation.


Being well-informed can make the process smoother and ensure that your rights and interests are protected. It’s always advisable to familiarise yourself with these key points and consult resources or professionals when needed.

How to claim road traffic accident compensation

Navigating the aftermath of a road accident can be complex, but understanding the process can ease the journey. When considering a claim with Northwest Solicitors, the initial step involves contacting the team to understand eligibility and the necessary procedures. Once initiated, the legal intricacies are managed by the solicitors who delve into the specifics of the accident to ascertain the party responsible for any injuries.


It’s essential to recognise that if there are medical or rehabilitative needs stemming from the incident, there are avenues to seek appropriate support. The compensation process typically seeks a mutual agreement on the amount, but occasionally, when consensus isn’t achieved, the case may proceed to court. Throughout this process, continuous communication and understanding of the progress are paramount.

Who can claim road traffic accident compensation?

In the UK, the process for claiming compensation after a road traffic accident is governed by specific laws and regulations. Victims can seek redress for the physical, emotional, and financial injuries they’ve sustained due to another party’s negligence. Eligibility for compensation extends beyond just drivers:

  • Drivers: If a driver is involved in an accident that wasn’t their fault, they can claim compensation. This includes situations where another motorist, cyclist, or pedestrian was negligent.
  • Passengers: Passengers, irrespective of the vehicle they were travelling in — be it a car, bus, or taxi — can claim if injured. Their right to claim doesn’t depend on the fault of the driver of their vehicle.
  • Pedestrians: Individuals injured by a vehicle while walking have a right to compensation. This encompasses incidents involving cars, motorbikes, buses, and more.
  • Cyclists and Motorcyclists: Given their vulnerability on the roads, cyclists and motorcyclists can claim compensation if injured due to someone else’s negligence.
  • Dependants: In tragic circumstances where a person dies as a result of a road accident, their dependents can claim for loss of support, funeral expenses, and other related costs.
  • Victims of Uninsured or Hit-and-Run Drivers: The UK’s Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) provides compensation to those injured by uninsured or untraced drivers. This ensures victims are not left without recourse in such situations.
  • Foreign Nationals and Tourists: Visitors to the UK who are injured in a road traffic accident can also claim compensation in line with UK regulations.


It’s crucial to understand that the ability to claim and the compensation amount can differ based on the accident’s specifics and injury severity. For a comprehensive understanding of one’s rights and potential entitlements, consulting with a UK-based legal expert specialising in road traffic accidents is highly recommended.

What’s the process for making a road traffic accident compensation claim?

Upon receiving your inquiry, we’ll first initiate a detailed consultation to understand the specifics of your case. This initial step allows us to evaluate the viability of your claim and align our approach to best represent your interests.


If we determine that your case has merit, we’ll formalise our commitment to you through a client agreement. This document will outline our roles, responsibilities, and the terms of our representation. We’ll ensure you’re comfortable with every aspect of this agreement and answer any questions you might have.


With the agreement in place, we’ll proceed to gather comprehensive information about your accident. This involves collecting evidence, speaking to witnesses, and consulting with experts if necessary. Our goal is to ascertain who’s at fault for your injuries. Concurrently, we’ll evaluate any rehabilitation or medical treatments you may require, guiding you to the right resources and ensuring you get the support you need promptly.


Once we’ve identified the party responsible for your injuries, our team will vigorously pursue an acknowledgement of their fault. This can sometimes result in early compensation disbursements to help with immediate expenses or losses you’ve incurred. In most situations, the compensation sum will be negotiated and settled with the opposing side. However, if consensus is elusive, the case might be presented in court. Should this scenario arise, you can count on our unwavering support and expertise every step of the way.

My insurance company has recommended a law firm, do I have to use them?

Many insurance companies suggest their own solicitors. But remember, you have a choice. You don’t have to pick the solicitor they recommend.


Choosing the right solicitor is key. You need someone you can talk to easily, who understands you, and who’s on your side. That’s where Northwest Solicitor comes in. We’re easy to reach and we listen.


We’re located in multiple places and we’re just a phone call or email away. If you’re unsure about your options, just give us a ring or drop an email. We offer a free chat to help you decide. You can call us at 0203 959 9123 or email us at info@nwsolicitors.co.uk. And don’t worry, chatting with us doesn’t mean you have to make a claim.

Need help with any kind of legal issues? Contact us now.

Can I claim compensation if the accident was my fault?

Accidents can be complicated, and determining fault isn’t always straightforward. If you were the only one responsible for an accident, it’s generally difficult to pursue compensation. However, the landscape changes when multiple parties share the blame.


In scenarios where you might have contributed to the accident but weren’t entirely at fault, you may still be entitled to compensation. This is termed ‘contributory negligence’. In such cases, it’s possible to secure compensation, but the total amount might be adjusted downwards, reflecting the extent of your involvement in the accident.


We’re located in multiple places and we’re just a phone call or email away. If you’re unsure about your options, just give us a ring or drop an email. We offer a free chat to help you decide. You can call us at 0203 959 9123 or email us at info@nwsolicitors.co.uk. And don’t worry, chatting with us doesn’t mean you have to make a claim.

How long will my claim take?

The duration of your claim process is influenced mainly by the nature of your injuries and the other party’s stance on responsibility.


Nature of Your Injuries:

  • Minor Injuries: For less severe injuries where the other party quickly accepts responsibility, you can expect a relatively swift resolution, potentially within a few months.
  • More Serious Injuries: For substantial injuries, the timeline extends. It’s vital to gather thorough medical evidence to understand the full extent of the harm and any potential long-term effects. This ensures that the compensation genuinely reflects your needs and the impact on your well-being.

Response from the Other Party:

  • Admission of Fault: If the other party acknowledges their mistake early on, it expedites the claims process.
  • Denial of Responsibility: If they dispute their role in the accident, especially in situations with potential criminal charges, the claim might be on hold until legal proceedings wrap up. For insights into how criminal charges intersect with car accidents, it’s beneficial to research car accidents involving criminal offences.
  • Hit and Run Scenarios: If the person responsible for the accident fled the scene and remains unidentified, it adds complexity. Locating the individual can be challenging, which might prolong the claim. For a comprehensive view on such cases, it’s recommended to look into hit and run claims resources.


While these are general guidelines, it’s essential to remember that every claim has its nuances. The intricacies of your specific situation will determine the exact timeline and process.

How much compensation will I receive?

When it comes to compensation claims following an accident, it’s essential to understand that the amount you might be entitled to is determined by various factors, all linked to the repercussions of the accident on your life. The goal is to ensure that you’re fairly compensated for both immediate and potential future challenges.


Factors Influencing Your Compensation:


  • Lost Earnings: This isn’t just about the wages you’ve lost since the accident. It’s also about potential future earnings you might miss, especially if your ability to work is impacted long-term.
  • Accumulated Expenses: Every penny you’ve spent or might spend in relation to your injury counts. This includes medical bills, prescriptions, and even the costs of traveling to and from appointments.
  • Care and Assistance: The aftermath of an accident might mean you require help with day-to-day tasks. Whether it’s professional care, therapy, or assistance from loved ones, the associated costs and implications are considered.
  • Home Adjustments: Serious injuries might necessitate changes to your living space. For instance, installing ramps, modifying bathrooms, or other alterations to accommodate your mobility needs.
  • Mobility Tools: Devices that assist with mobility, such as wheelchairs, walkers, or prosthetics, come at a cost. These are factored into the compensation, ensuring you have the tools you need to navigate your environment.
  • Emotional Impact: Beyond the physical toll, accidents can inflict emotional and psychological strain. Compensation also accounts for the pain, distress, and potential trauma endured.


Navigating the complexities of compensation claims can be daunting. But you don’t have to do it alone. At Northwest Solicitor, our team is dedicated to guiding you every step of the way, ensuring you get the compensation you rightfully deserve. If you or a loved one has been impacted by an accident, don’t hesitate. Reach out to us now for a detailed consultation.

Need help with any kind of legal issues? Contact us now.

Can I claim if I was injured as a passenger when the driver had been drinking or taking drugs?

Being injured as a passenger introduces a range of challenges. Even when the accident is attributed to the driver of your vehicle, you typically have a valid claim for compensation for your injuries. Yet, certain circumstances can influence the compensation you might secure:


  • Driver Under Influence of Alcohol: If you chose to travel with a driver you knew had consumed alcohol, it can have implications for your compensation. While the driver’s inebriated state is a significant factor, your decision to ride with them can be viewed as shared responsibility, which may affect the compensation amount.
  • Driver Under Influence of Drugs: Similarly, if you were aware that the driver had taken drugs and still decided to accompany them, this too can shape your compensation claim. The driver’s impaired state due to drugs is undeniably a major concern, but your choice to be in the vehicle with them can also be taken into account, potentially diminishing the compensation you could obtain.


Every situation is unique, and understanding these nuances is crucial. Seeking expert guidance and having a clear grasp of the factors at play can ensure you navigate the claims process effectively and secure the compensation you rightly deserve.

Understanding Factors Impacting Passenger Injury Claims

As a passenger, you place a significant amount of trust in both the driver and the vehicle to get you safely to your destination. But when unexpected incidents occur, it’s vital to grasp the intricacies that could impact any compensation you might seek. Let’s delve into some of the primary factors that can influence your claim:

  • Vehicle Safety Concerns: Traveling in a vehicle that has known safety issues, which the driver consciously ignored, adds complexity to your claim. For example, if the vehicle’s brakes were faulty and the driver was aware but didn’t address the problem, it introduces another dimension of negligence. Such cases might not only involve the driver but also the vehicle’s manufacturer or the entity responsible for its upkeep.
  • Driver’s Distractions: Accidents stemming from the driver’s distractions, be it texting, fiddling with the radio, or other non-driving tasks, can significantly shape your claim. When the driver’s inattention is the direct cause of the accident, it solidifies your case for compensation. Conversely, if you were seen as enabling or promoting the distraction, your compensation might be at risk.
  • Use of Seatbelts: Even if the driver or another involved party is primarily at fault, your decision regarding seatbelt usage plays a role. If you weren’t buckled up, especially in situations where a seatbelt could have lessened your injuries, it might be viewed as contributory negligence. The specific laws of your region and the nature of the injuries you’ve sustained are vital in evaluating how this affects your compensation.


In the tangled web of personal injury claims, every detail matters. The road to securing rightful compensation can be long and winding, but with a clear understanding of the influencing factors and the right guidance, you can confidently navigate the challenges ahead. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey; seeking expert counsel can make all the difference in ensuring a just and fair resolution.


Trust our experienced team at Northwest Solicitors to guide you seamlessly through the claim process. Reach out to us for clear advice and dedicated support. Contact Northwest Solicitors on 0800 056 4110 for a complimentary initial consultation or for answers to common queries related to road traffic accidents.

How soon should I make a claim?

Typically, there’s a three-year window following an accident to initiate a compensation claim. However, it’s advisable to reach out to a solicitor promptly after the incident. Early engagement ensures a thorough investigation while the event’s details remain vivid for everyone involved. While the three-year guideline is standard, there are specific exceptions:

  • Mental Capacity: If an individual cannot personally initiate a claim due to cognitive limitations, there’s no fixed deadline to claim on their behalf.
  • Minors: For children, claims can be pursued anytime before they reach 18. Post-18, they have until 21 to claim independently.
  • Accidents Abroad: International incidents can have different time constraints, often shorter than the UK. Yet, depending on the accident’s nature, UK law might still be applicable.
  • Criminal Injuries: For injuries stemming from intentional harm, the claim can be channelled through the Criminal Injury Compensation Authority. Notably, a stricter two-year deadline from the incident date applies here.


Engaging with a solicitor early not only ensures evidence preservation but also helps navigate the nuanced timelines and conditions specific to each case. It’s about safeguarding your rights and ensuring timely justice.

Do I have to have a medical examination?

A crucial step in the claims process is undergoing a medical examination, which we will facilitate for you. This examination is conducted by a medical professional who assesses the nature, severity, and potential long-term implications of your injuries. Their findings are instrumental in quantifying the compensation you deserve, considering both immediate and future impacts on your health and well-being.


While our arranged examination is essential for the claims process, it’s also imperative to seek independent medical attention promptly after the incident. Symptoms of certain injuries might not manifest immediately or might appear deceptively mild. Consulting with a doctor ensures that you receive the necessary care and interventions and helps in identifying potential complications early on.

Will I have to go to court?

During the course of your compensation claim, our primary objective is to pinpoint the party responsible for your accident and diligently work to obtain an acknowledgement of responsibility from them. If we succeed in this, it’s likely your claim will be resolved without the need to go to court.


Most of the claims we handle are settled in this manner. Nonetheless, if the at-fault party denies responsibility, or if there’s a disagreement on the claim’s value, it may necessitate court proceedings. Should this scenario arise, rest assured, we stand by your side, guiding and supporting you through each phase.

How can I get in contact?

Each claim presents its unique challenges, but with Northwest Solicitors, you’re always backed by dedicated expertise. We’re committed to ensuring you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. If you or a loved one has faced an accident or injury, acting promptly can make a significant difference.

Need help with any kind of legal issues? Contact us now.

Immigration Law

  • Business Visa
  • Health and Care Worker Visa
  • Skilled Worker Visa

Other Areas of Law

  • Driving Offences
  • Personal Injury
  • Family Law
  • Litigation
  • Commissioner for Oaths

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